前些天,在街上和一个朋友擦肩而过,他突然回过身来问我“你知道我这枚硬币值多少钱吗”我有点懵圈,这硬币不是五角钱吗,怎么就值钱了 他说这是刚去美国时换的美元,想让我给看看值不值钱 我接过来看了下,是一美元,连号的,虽然看起来有点旧但保存完好,上面的毛爷爷笑容可掬。
一美元?!!!我有点惊讶,这么普通的一美元也有收藏意义?! 朋友说他在美国的时候,看到有人收这种连号的纸币和硬币,价格还不便宜呢。于是我把这张一美元纸币递给了他,他高兴地收下并说道谢谢啊 后来我查了一下,的确有一部分人专门收集美帝的连号货币。比如这个网站就介绍了一种“50statesseries”,它指的是:从1923年至今,由美国财政部发行的所有50个州的纪念钞票(state quarters)。这些钞票上面印着该州的代表性景物,而且每一个州只发行了这一种面值(都是1美元)的钞票。每一张都印着一个不同的州名,而且都是连体钞,具有极高的收藏价值。 这些钞票发行于1999年至2008年间,共有10年,每一年度的邮票图案与色彩都有差别,而且每年的发行量也各不相同。但是它们的图案都非常漂亮,而且具有很高的辨识度,非常容易辨别。
因为每种面值只有一个,所以一旦找到一张,这一张就可以卖个好价钱了。 这个网站还有详细的每个州的钱币图案以及说明。以阿拉巴马州为例,它的描述是这样的:
In 1999, the U.S. Mint began a new series of coins called the “50 State Quarters” to honor each state’s history and traditions, as well as the diversity that makes America strong. Every dollar has an image representing the state. On the reverse side is the year of minting or issuance. The obverse (front) feature is changed every year so there will never be two dollars with the exact same image.
The first coin in this series was issued for the fifty states on February 6, 1999. They were made available through banks and other financial institutions, but people could only get them as part of a set by ordering directly from the U.S. Mint. The sets cost $4.50 per pop. In addition to the fifty-dollar bill, which represents each state's capital city, there are also state quarter sets that contain all five hundred and ten national parks across the country with their related state borders. You can order these at http://www.usmint.gov/shop/store/index.cfm?query=50%20STATE&category_id=37
This website also has links to other valuable resources you might find helpful, such as how to sell your coins, where to buy new and old coins, and information about precious metals, so it really is a great place to start if you want to learn more about collecting money.